Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Experimental Demonstration That Aharanov-Bohm Phase Shift Voltages In Optical Coupler Circuits of Tuned Patterned Magnetic Fields Is Critical for Inhibition of Malignant Cell Growth

The physical processes by which specific point duration magnetic fields affect aberrant expressions of living matter may involve  non-classical  mechanisms.    The  Aharanov-Bohm  voltage  for  a  quantum  of  energy  that  is  convergent  with  the quotient of the proton’s magnetic moment to its charge multiplied by the viscosity of water at homeostatic  temperatures applied  across  the  distance  of  O-H  bonds  in  conjunction  with  its  phase  modulation  is  about  ±4.3  V.  Application  of frequency  shifting,  temporally-patterned  magnetic  fields  produced  by  3  ms  point  durations  at  average  intensities  of  ~28mG (that are equivalent to Nernst thresholds for plasma membranes) generated through optocoupler light emitting diodes produced  the  strongest  inhibition  of  malignant  cells  growth  when  the  pre-coupler  value  for  the  circuit  maintenance  was ±4.3 V compared to increments of voltage below or above this value. Spatial expansion of the effective zone for growth diminishment  also  occurred  with  this  pre-voltage  level.  These  results  indicate  that  phase  modulation  of  the  electrons mediating cellular molecular pathways may be central to the etiology and potential treatment of malignant cells but not for normal  cells’dynamics.  Consideration  of  quantum  effects  rather  than  classical  electromagnetic  theory  may  be  a  more effective strategy for impeding the physical bases for the molecular pathways that define malignant cells.


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