Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The paradigm of biologically closed electric circuits (BCEC) and the formation of an International Association (IABC) for BCEC systems.


Matter is condensed energy. Matter derived from electromagnetic energy, supplied with the electrically powered BCEC systems (biologically closed electric circuits) inherits prerequisites to become biological matter. This is possible because mechanisms of BCEC systems contain the capacity to initiate structuring and functioning of matter. The principle of BCEC systems, their actual and potential importance for structure and function in biology and medicine, has been presented only in the form of a survey. Only few examples of the impact of the BCEC systems have been described. For detailed information, the reader is advised to take part of the original background articles by means of the reference list, which extends beyond the selected descriptions. Thereby it is hoped that the reader may get an understanding of the central biological role of the BCEC systems. They represent in this partial theory of the biological evolution a key mechanism which may provide the important primary steps that are necessary for the transfer of non-biological into biological matter. Second, also other factors are evidently contributing to biological differentiation, including for instance the principle of differential selection of species. Due to their basic role, the BCEC systems can nevertheless be recognized to be involved in the majority of structural and functional expressions in biology. This rests on the fact that our physical world once developed from energy and specifically its representation of electric energy. It has also been emphasised that electric energy is equivalent to the remarkable Oriental concept of Qi ("life energy"). Differences are predominantly a matter of semantics.



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