Welcome to this blog. I work indirectly with researchers trying to find a cure for cancer. When hired a few years ago, I had been collecting magnets because they fascinated me, and I wanted to do some independent research with them. While at work, I researched magnets and cancer and found troves and troves of scientific publications, indicating that electromagnetic fields can cure cancer or at least make cancer cells more permeable to chemotherapy drugs. I deluged our main researcher with tons of these papers, admonishing him that we need to bring this technology to the mainstream medical community. For all intents and purposes, my research was ignored.
While going to work one day, my right knee blew out, I could barely walk. I gave it a few days and it got worse and worse. I had surgery on my other knee, so realized I probably needed surgery. I was going to call the next day to arrange it, but was not looking forward to the cost and impact to my job. As I was researching medical applications of magnets, I figured, what the heck, and took a magnet my friend extracted from a computer hard drive and attached it to my knee brace that night. Lo and behold, in the morning it was 90 percent better! Months later, it is good as new. At that point I was convinced of the medical applications of magnets.
Then I saw this article where a father documented his daughter dying from neuroblastoma:
The last paragraph in the article was the same sentiment I had while wondering why our scientist don't pursue electromagnetism as a cure:
“Please I beg of you, as a heartbroken father, it is too late for my daughter, but childhood cancer needs to be cured,” Andy wrote. “No family should have to go through this hell.”
The goal of this blog is to share with you articles and papers that give evidence to the fact that electromagnetic fields affect living cells, and should be seriously explored as a cancer treatment, NOW. I recently read an article where a world class researcher into child neuroblastoma stated something along the lines that "we need to explore other options, because we are giving these children the most toxic poisons known to mankind, there is something wrong with that" - I contacted her about my research and received no reply.
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