Remember Nobel prize awarded recently for circadian rhythm in biology:
"The Generalized Music (GM)-scale is an acoustic (octave-like) algorithm of 12 tones that describes the electromagnetic (EM) frequency band pattern discovered from a meta-analysis of in total 468 biomedical research papers.
These studies reported either beneficial or detrimental effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) on biological tissues/cells in vitro or whole organisms in vivo.
The apparent quantized pattern of EM frequency bands was postulated to represent a potential 'quantum algorithm of life'.
In the present paper a statistical analysis is made of the overall data underlying this patterned EM frequency distribution.
Data were sorted according to their features to be either beneficial, 'coherent' frequencies or detrimental, 'decoherent' frequencies and grouped around the theoretical 12 GM-scale values.
A Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to discriminate between these data populations and this test showed that the difference between the 'coherent' and 'decoherent' data sets is indeed statistically significant (p<0.0025) for all of the 12 GM-scale
The mean values of the groups correspond very well with the postulated GM-scale values (difference <0,9%).
To analyze the fit of the biomedical EM-frequency data to the GM-scale algorithm values, 24 alternating and "decoherent' frequency bands were defined and the life data were plotted in these bands.
This test showed that 89.4% of 'coherent' data and 83.4% of 'decoherent' data corresponded to their respective frequency bands.
The particular band widths, and consequently the related error margins, are very small (2.6%-3.3%).
A prospective method is demonstrated to apply the GM-scale algorithm to identify (label) experimental or already published EM frequency data as potential "coherent' or "decoherent'.
These and future analyses of experimental data with respect to the fit of their EM frequencies to the GM-scale will help to further validate this algorithm as a new biophysical principle."
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