Abstract - The attempts made to treat invasive liver cancer have failed so far at an alarming rate.
One effective strategy used recently is low frequency pulsed magnetic field therapy.
Coil A of intensity 13-42 gauss; 2-3 Hz and Coil B of 0.6 Tesla <1 Hz were evaluated on diethylnitrosamine-induced rat liver cancer.
Furthermore, an exposure system was designed to provide a safe, selective and a noninvasive therapeutic device designed according to the international safety standards of therapeutic devices.
The histopathology and ultra-structure of liver tissues suggest a selective anticancer activity of these magnetic fields through incorporating three main strategies.
These strategies consist of apoptosis, necrosis and the inflammatory infiltration of the malignant carcinoma.
These results simulate the gene therapy and immunogenic therapy of liver cancer.
Finally, it can be concluded that the exposure system coil A of 3 Hz and coil B 0.9 Hz will contribute to magnetic therapy.
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