Sunday, February 24, 2019

How electromagnetic fields may affect adult stem cell biology

This article mainly focuses on observations of negative effects of magnetic fields on cancer.  However, it is very detailed, mentioning there is an obvious interaction of importance.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Advancing therapy by measuring the 'games' cancer cells play

Note: To be relevant to this blog, one must read between the lines, the key phrase is "it is increasingly recognized that ecological interactions between cells can also play a role".  From my layman research it is evident low frequency electromagnetic fields affect fibroblasts, which also got my attention:

"The team found a switch was flipped in the game governing cancer cell dynamics when drug and tumor-associated fibroblasts were present."

Article Summary:

"Despite rapid advances in targeted therapies for cancer, tumors commonly develop resistance to treatment. When resistance emerges, tumor cells continue to grow unchecked, despite all attempts to slow cancer progression. While mutations in cancer cells significantly affect drug sensitivity, it is increasingly recognized that ecological interactions between cells can also play a role."

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Aging and Magnetism: Presenting a Possible New Holistic Paradigm for Ameliorating the Aging Process and the Effects Thereof, Through Externally Applied Physiologic PicoTesla Magnetic Fields

A new holistic paradigm is proposed for slowing our genomic-based biological clocks (e.g. regulation of telomere length), and decreasing heat energy exigencies for maintenance of physiologic homeostasis. Aging is considered the result of a progressive slow burn in small volumes of tissues with increase in the quantum entropic states; producing desiccation, microscopic scarring, and disruption of cooperative coherent states. Based upon piezoelectricity, i.e. photon-phonon transductions, physiologic PicoTesla range magnetic fields may decrease the production of excessive heat energy through target specific, bio molecular resonant interactions, renormalization of intrinsic electromagnetic tissue profiles, and autonomic modulation. Prospectively, we hypothesize that deleterious effects of physical trauma, immunogenic microbiological agents, stress, and anxiety may be ameliorated. A particle-wave equation is cited to ascertain magnetic field parameters for application to the whole organism thereby achieving desired homeostasis; secondary to restoration of structure and function on quantum levels. We hypothesize that it is at the atomic level that physical events shape the flow of signals and the transmission of energy in bio molecular systems. References are made to experimental data indicating the aspecific efficacy of non-ionizing physiologic magnetic field profiles for treatment of various pathologic states.

Monday, February 4, 2019

The relationship between electrical patterns and the proliferation of cancer cells

Experts have carried out a series of experiments with which, for the first time, they have been able to characterize the normal electrical activity in PC-3 prostate cancer cells in real time, with a resulting low-frequency electrical pattern between 0.1 and 10 Hertz.