An attempt to wake up the medical community to accept research done in the last 100 years proving that electromagnetic energy can replace brutal chemotherapy. Photo taken by a professional photographer, of his own daughter being treated for Neuroblastoma. The power of the image encouraged Andy to share it with others in order to highlight the 'real' face of childhood cancer. She died. The average cost for such treatment is in the order of 500k+.
Monday, December 31, 2018
On possible role of DNA electrodynamics in chromatin regulation
In spite of extensive research, modeling and predictive ability of gene regulation networks are very limited. This difficulty is likely caused not only by the complexity of gene regulation and but also by an incomplete understanding of gene regulation mechanisms. It is suggested that a major gene regulation mechanism has been missing, the one which is mediated by resonances of electron clouds in chromatin structure. Specifically, polynucleosomal models are proposed for macromolecular electron cloud oscillations in chromatin. It is suggested that these oscillations could be the basis for resonances between polynucleosomal structures in the nucleus. These resonances could serve as a basis for the proposed mechanism of natural gene regulation. Understanding this mechanism would help improving the modeling of gene regulation networks and enable the development of new tools for manipulation of gene expression.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Magnetic isotope and magnetic field effects on the DNA synthesis
The abstract does not give justice to this great publication, read the publication in it's hard to read entirety, for facts, observations, and a unique hypothesis:
Modeling the Electric Potential across Neuronal Membranes: The Effect of Fixed Charges on Spinal Ganglion Neurons and Neuroblastoma Cells
We present a model for the electric potential profile across the membranes of neuronal cells. We considered the resting and action potential states, and analyzed the influence of fixed charges of the membrane on its electric potential, based on experimental values of membrane properties of the spinal ganglion neuron and the neuroblastoma cell. The spinal ganglion neuron represents a healthy neuron, and the neuroblastoma cell, which is tumorous, represents a pathological neuron. We numerically solved the non-linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the regions of the membrane model we have adopted, by considering the densities of charges dissolved in an electrolytic solution and fixed on both glycocalyx and cytoplasmic proteins. Our model predicts that there is a difference in the behavior of the electric potential profiles of the two types of cells, in response to changes in charge concentrations in the membrane. Our results also describe an insensitivity of the neuroblastoma cell membrane, as observed in some biological experiments. This electrical property may be responsible for the low pharmacological response of the neuroblastoma to certain chemotherapeutic treatments.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Cells Membrane Vibration s as a Mechanism of Endogenous ELF Magnetic Field Generation in Biosystems
The proposed model attempts to bring more details into explanation of an intricate mechanism of endogenous ELF magnetic
fields generation in living cells.
It is based on hypothesis that ELF endogenous magnetic fields are initiated by cells as an integral part of their living
activities, including selective ion transport and intercellular communications.
Dynamic variations in length of cytoskeleton microtubules, attached to membrane microdomains were identified in (Cifra,
et al., 2007) as a driving force of cells membrane mechanical vibrations.
Resultant normal to surface vibrations of electrically polarized microdomains is the second part of this mechanism, in
which microdomains function as elementary magnetic antennas radiating locally biologically significant ELF magnetic field.
Besides cell-to-cell synchronization, the resultant endogenous magnetic field is employed by cells for selective ion transport
through specific ion channels associated with the microdomain.
For this, microdomain mechanical vibrations and associated magnetic field are tuned to cyclotron resonance frequency of
specific ion type, and facilitates this ion type dehydration.
The ions dehydration enables their energy-lossless penetration into channels, while the ion-selective channels mimic natural
electrical environment of hydrated ion in aqueous solutions (MacKinnon, 2003).
Remarkable susceptibility of ion channels to exogenous weak ELF magnetic fields tuned to specific ion resonance frequencies,
observed in numerous experiments, may be considered an indirect indication of existing build-in magnetic field sensing mechanism employed by living cells routinely for ion traffic regulation and corporative operation.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
Tumor-Treating Fields: A Fourth Modality in Cancer Treatment
Despite major advances in therapy, cancer continues to be a leading cause of mortality. In addition, toxicities of traditional therapies pose a significant challenge to tolerability and adherence. TTFields, a noninvasive anticancer treatment modality, utilizes alternating electric fields at specific frequencies and intensities to selectively disrupt mitosis in cancerous cells. TTFields target proteins crucial to the cell cycle, leading to mitotic arrest and apoptosis. TTFields also facilitate an antitumor immune response. Clinical trials of TTFields have proven safe and efficacious in patients with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), and are FDA approved for use in newly diagnosed and recurrent GBM. Trials in other localized solid tumors are ongoing.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Tubulin's response to external electric fields by molecular dynamics simulations
Tubulin heterodimers are the building blocks of microtubules and disruption of their dynamics is exploited in the treatment of cancer.
Electric fields at certain frequencies and magnitudes are believed to do the same.
Here, the tubulin dimer's response to external electric fields was determined by atomistic simulation.
External fields from 50 to 750 kV/cm, applied for 10 ns, caused significant conformational rearrangements that were dependent upon the field's directionality.
Charged and flexible regions, including the α:H1-B2 loop, β:M-loop, and C-termini, were susceptible.
Closer inspection of the α:H1-B2 loop in lower strength fields revealed that these effects were consistent and proportional to field strength, and the findings indicate that external electric fields modulate the stability of microtubules through conformational changes to key loops involved in lateral contacts.
We also find evidence that tubulin's curvature and elongation are affected, and external electric fields may bias tubulin towards depolymerization.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Novel Mesothelioma Treatment Uses Electrical Fields
Oncologists in 2019 may begin offering patients with pleural mesothelioma a novel, tumor-fighting tool involving electric currents that enhance standard-of-care treatment and extend survival, according to the device manufacturer.. Tumor Treating Fields (TTF) is the name of the new technology.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Magnetic fields for 360 min daily for as long as 4 wk suppressed tumor growth
We hypothesized that magnetic field exposure would influence tumor growth and progression. Our results showed that exposure of the mice to magnetic fields for 360 min daily for as long as 4 wk suppressed tumor growth. Our study is unique in that it uses an in vivo imaging system to monitor the growth and progression of tumors in real time in individual mice. Our findings support further exploration of the potential of magnetic fields in cancer therapeutics, either as adjunct or primary therapy.
Neovascularisation and angiogenesis
Understanding the molecular basis of wound healing and tissue regeneration continues to remain as one of the major challenges in modern medicine.
There is absolute necessity to unveil the rather elusive mechanism with a special emphasis on the approaches to accelerate wound healing.
Low frequency low intensity Pulsed electromagnetic therapy is evidenced to have a significant impact on wound repair and regeneration.
It provides a non-invasive reparative technique to treat an injury.
In vitro studies reported a significant effect of electromagnetic field on neovascularisation and angiogenesis.
There are also many pieces of evidence which support its efficiency in reducing the duration of wound healing and improving the tensile strength of scars.
Here, we compared the traditional stigma associated with pulsed electromagnetic fields and weighed them with its potential therapeutic effect on wound healing.
Furthermore, we emphasized the need for more focused research to determine the therapeutic strategies and optimised parameters of pulsed electromagnetic field that can assure efficient wound healing and regeneration.
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